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Change Formula Exercise


Overcome resistance and start creating the changes you want with this exercise. Superboost your vision, discomfort, and support, and experience your willingness increase exponentially! The more willingness, the easier change becomes. By the end of this exercise- available in three different formats, change will feel accessible and inspiring.

Your Biggest Year Yet – Building Your Foundation for Making a Massive Change Webinar


Give your goals a recharge with this webinar all about making the changes you’ve been dreaming about! In this free session, you will:
– Clarify and set (or re-set!) a goal that means a lot to you this year
– Learn the secrets to getting yourself back on track and unstuck
– Make a plan to make achieving your goal much easier
– Get a massive boost of energy, calm, and encouragement!

Conscious Goal Tracker


Keep notes on your vision, progress, integrity, and results so you can achieve your desired results or consciously create new goals that better align with your true wants!

Support Solar System Exercise


Map out your support solar system so you can assess whether your community is exactly what you need or if there is an opportunity to bring in more relationships to support the changes you want to make.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.