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The Opposite of Drama – The Empowerment Triangle


Discover the Empowerment Triangle as the antidote to drama in leadership. Learn how to shift from powerlessness to empowerment through the roles of Creator, Challenger, and Coach. Uncover the secrets to conscious decision-making and self-awareness for a life filled with possibilities.

Why You Feel Stuck and Powerless to Change: Understanding the Drama Triangle

stuck drama triangle

Discover why you feel stuck and powerless to change in your life. Explore the dynamics of the Drama Triangle and how it keeps you trapped in recurring patterns. Gain self-awareness to recognize your role as a victim, villain, or hero, and learn how to break free from drama and step into empowerment. Unlock your potential for lasting change and regain control over your life.

3 Secrets to Sustainable Change

Learning and personal growth is a favorite hobby of many personally and professionally. We are interested in the process of finding out what part of ourselves is going to shine next. We look at: what can I do differently, better, harder, faster, or more? The secret is that there is a completely different (and easier) […]

Unlocking Team Potential: The Power of Group Coaching in the Workplace

group coaching

Unlock the collective potential of your team with group coaching in the workplace. Enhance communication, foster teamwork, and develop leadership skills. Discover the benefits of group coaching for increased engagement, innovation, and problem-solving abilities. Invest in your employees’ growth and drive organizational success.

Introduction to Zone of Genius

Intro to Zone of Genius

Discover the power of living in your Zone of Genius. Uncover your unique strengths and passions, and unlock a life of fulfillment, creativity, and natural success. Learn how to navigate the other zones, delegate tasks, and commit to a life of ease and purpose. Embrace your Zone of Genius and create a life that feels both successful and effortless.

How to Find Gratitude During Challenges


Discover the transformative power of gratitude during challenging times. Learn how practicing gratitude can increase happiness, reduce stress, counteract depression, and attract abundance. Explore strategies to shift your mindset, find appreciation in difficult situations, and embrace personal growth. Cultivate gratitude and unlock a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Understanding and Overcoming Triggers: A Journey to Personal Growth


Triggers: those moments when our emotions surge, leading us to react in ways we never intended. We’ve all experienced them—those sudden bursts of anger, shame, or guilt that catch us off guard. But what if triggers held the key to a deeper understanding of ourselves? What if they were invitations for growth and self-discovery?

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.