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The Most Useful Concept I Ever Learned – Whole Body Yes

whole body yes

Discover the power of the Whole Body Yes concept in this insightful article. Learn how saying yes only when you have a Whole Body Yes can free up energy, keep you in integrity, and help you live in your zone of genius. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a more fulfilling life.

My Most Fundamental Coaching Tool

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Discover the power of the Change Formula and unlock sustainable, lasting change in your life. Explore the importance of vision, discomfort, and support in creating the transformation you desire. Embrace your role as the creator of your own life and make the changes you’ve been longing for. Your journey starts here.

My Most Requested Leadership Training

leadership training

Discover how to navigate team and company drama with these 10 essential leadership skills. Blaming, criticizing, hustling, and gossip are signs you’re caught in the drama triangle. Learn to slow down, locate yourself, apply curiosity, coach, challenge, and speak unarguably. Embrace drama as part of the human experience and lead your team towards a drama-free and productive environment.

I almost gave up on my business

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Explore the transformative power of integrity and renegotiating agreements to regain balance in life. Learn to recognize the signs of being “Below the Line” in drama and discover how to shift into the empowering state of being “Above the Line.” Gain insights on overcoming victim, villain, and hero modes and explore the importance of self-awareness and choice in conscious leadership. Embrace the opportunity to make changes, find creative solutions, and access the energy of integrity. It’s time to reclaim your power and live a life aligned with your values.

You May Be Leaving Options On the Table – Boost Your Asking Power to Increase Your Possibilities 

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Are you settling for less by asking for what you think you can get instead of what you truly want? Embrace the strategies used by auctioneers to unlock the hidden ‘yes’ you never thought you could ask for. Break free from leaving options on the table and start aiming higher. Learn how high leverage points can transform your outcomes, why aiming for a “no” can lead to greater success, and how to find the courage to make audacious asks.

How 360 Feedback Tools Boost Awareness & Accelerate Growth

360 feedback

360-degree feedback tools have the power to boost self-awareness and drive personal growth. Just like checking blind spots while driving, examining different perspectives in leadership is crucial to avoid accidents. Leaders often have blind spots, unaware of how they are perceived by others. This lack of awareness can hinder growth and limit opportunities for behavioral and mindset shifts. The 360-degree review is a valuable tool for receiving feedback from multiple angles, including superiors, peers, subordinates, and external stakeholders. Unlike performance reviews, 360-degree reviews focus on personal and professional development, uncovering blind spots and identifying strengths. Through a well-crafted process, leaders can learn, grow, and create coaching plans based on the feedback received. It’s up to leaders to absorb the feedback, choose what to focus on, and take action to accelerate their growth.

Frequently Asked Questions about Coaching

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Unleash the power of coaching and unlock your potential for personal growth and transformation. Explore frequently asked questions about coaching, including its benefits, the distinction from therapy, and how it empowers you to conquer your goals. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and success today.

Facilitate the Success of Your Team with Empowerment

Image S1E37 How to End Drama 10 Steps to Shifting you and your team out of drama

Unleash the power of empowerment and reciprocity. Shift to an intentional culture, fueling growth and high performance. Empower leaders, build great teams, and achieve development goals. Transform HR’s role through empathy and understanding. Fuel organizational growth with invested resources in employee development.

A New Framework That Makes Work Consistently Energizing and Meaningful

Management Training

Explore how re-humanizing individuals within an organization leads to greater productivity and fulfillment. Dive into the role best self management and uncover the transformative power of seeing others at their best. Step into a future where companies prioritize human potential and create a culture of authenticity and excellence.

Feeling Reactive? Here’s How to Get Back to Consciousness 

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Shift from reactive behavior to consciousness. Learn how to identify reactive patterns, understand drift moves, and make conscious choices. Explore the power of self-awareness, body shifts, and shifting consciousness to regain presence and become a conscious leader in your life. Empower yourself with practical tools to cultivate self-awareness and create transformative growth.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.