Willingness Questions

Are you willing to shift above the line? Determine your willingness by asking yourself these specific questions, each one corresponding with one of the 15 commitments of conscious leadership.
Self-as-Instrument Workbook

Explore the depth of self-as-instrument so you can begin to effectively and positively help others with this thought-provoking workbook.
Enneagram Relationships Cheat Sheet

Take a look at relationship patterns for each of the nine different Enneagram types.
Empowerment Triangle Cards

The Empowerment Triangle cards will guide you in identifying the three roles on the Empowerment Triangle- Creator, Coach, and Challenger. Explore the differences between the Empowerment Triangle flavors and their Drama Triangle counterparts and discover how to master each role of Empowerment.
One-On-One Checklist

Easily keep track of your meetings and jot down highlights for each discussion point with this one-on-one meeting checklist. Use this checklist as a front-page supplemental tool for your more extensive 1:1 session notes so you can make the most out of your one-on-one meetings.
Pressure Audit

Discover the different effects that pressure has on each of us, and how you can measure , boost your awareness of, and take back control of the places, events and people that add pressure to your life.
Four Layers of Awareness

Learn about the innate level of awareness each of us has within us and how to tap into that awareness to interact with yourself, others and the environment around you in more effective and fulfilling ways.
One-On-Ones: The Complete Cheat Sheet

Learn how to harness the full power of one-on-one meetings and transform them into high-leverage unmissable recurring meetings with this complete guide. Spanning topics from how to prepare for a successful 1:1 meeting to what to avoid, this guide will help you cultivate strong manager-employee relationships and establish a healthy company culture.
Drama Triangle Cards

The Drama Triangle cards will guide you in identifying the ways the three most common forms of drama- Victim, Villain, and Hero- might be showing up in your life and moving you away from presence and empowerment.
Five Steps to Living in Your Genius

With this practical 5-step checklist process, you will begin the path of actually living 70% of your time in your Zone of Genius.