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Let’s cut the BS about morning routines

morning routine

In a world full of flashy morning routine advice promising productivity and success, it’s time to cut through the noise. Don’t force yourself into someone else’s routine. Find what works for you. Experiment, play, and discover what truly supports your growth. Forget about productivity alone. Focus on cultivating a mindset that energizes and inspires you, creating your most authentic self.

Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Free from the Chains of Inhibition


Discover the transformative power of embracing your true self in this thought-provoking article. Explore the burden of societal inhibition, learn from personal revelations, and uncover the path to rediscovering your authentic essence. Break free from stories of judgment and shame, and embrace a life where you can shine without reservation. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and find the courage to live in your fullest, most vibrant self.

Dismantling the Beauty Standards You Hold Yourself To

body standards

Dismantling the beauty standards you hold yourself to is a challenging but empowering journey. From ancient times to the modern era, societal pressures and media influence have shaped our perceptions of beauty. However, by questioning these stories and choosing to focus on what is objectively true, you can regain control over your thoughts and liberate yourself from harmful narratives. It’s time to challenge the stories, recognize your power, and embrace a healthier relationship with beauty and self-acceptance.

Out of Office – My new normal

out of office

The vibration of the jackhammer rattled my office windows, but I chose to step out. As I walked, the chaos faded away, and I felt a sense of presence. Coaching my client while counting miles, I realized I had confined myself to an office. I made a different choice. Now, I coach remotely while enjoying the outdoors.

The REAL Problem with Getting Too Comfortable

comfort blog

The overwhelming success of cozy brands like La-Z-Boy and UGGs is a testament to our love for comfort. But as creatures of habit, we often shy away from change, even if it hinders our progress. Fear of the unknown keeps us trapped in unfulfilling jobs or prevents us from pursuing our dreams. It’s time to confront our comfort zones and embrace the discomfort that comes with growth and change.

America’s Favorite Cereal and a Lesson in Leadership

cereal leadership

Witnessing my son’s introduction to solid food became a profound lesson in leadership. As he grappled with Cheerios slipping through his tiny fingers, I resisted the instinct to assist. His unwavering determination and creative problem-solving were inspiring. It reminded me that true leaders empower others by allowing them to face challenges, learn from setbacks, and develop resilience. By embracing discomfort and prioritizing long-term growth over quick fixes, effective leaders cultivate lasting transformation in their teams and organizations.

2 Truths and 1 Very Popular Lie

man looking out a window over new york

The belief that suffering is a prerequisite for success is a societal misconception. By embracing a creator mindset and taking responsibility for our lives, we can break free from unnecessary suffering. Trusting our Whole Body Yes, aligning with our instincts, and living in our Zone of Genius lead us to effortless success and a fulfilling life.

One Foot After the Other: How to Make Lasting Change

lasting change

Climbing a mountain and making life changes share a common principle: willingness. Your compelling vision fuels your journey, while discomfort propels you forward. Seek support and take baby steps, one at a time. Sustainable change is possible when you embrace your willingness, face discomfort head-on, and find the support you need. Trust your instincts and commit to the transformation process.

Riding the Waves of Emotion

Wisdom of the 5 core emotions

Learn how to ride the waves of emotion in this captivating article. Discover practical strategies to embrace and navigate the highs and lows of life. Explore the power of naming your emotions, distinguishing facts from stories, and unlocking the wisdom behind the 5 core emotions. Gain insights into transforming emotional drama into productive action and unleashing your full potential. Dive into the adventure of feeling and growing as you ride the waves of your authentic emotions.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.