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Be True- The Number One Growth Mindset Workbook


Growth requires an eye on the future and the resilience to get there. Developing yourself to your full potential and becoming your best self takes an investment of time to reflect, consider, plan, and experiment to help you adjust and grow. This growth mindset workbook helps engage you on the journey to becoming your best self.

Shadow Work Journaling Exercise


Get to know your shadow self in this illuminating journaling exercise. Facilitate your emotional integration by acknowledging the emotional parts of yourself you may hide away in the shadows.

Pressure Audit


Discover the different effects that pressure has on each of us, and how you can measure , boost your awareness of, and take back control of the places, events and people that add pressure to your life.

Hero’s Journey Worksheet


Explore the basic universal stages of the Hero’s Journey and take a moment to consider where you are on your Hero’s Journey.

Openness to Discovery Scale


Are you willing to shift from focusing on “what’s wrong?” and using your interactions to continue to improve yourself?

This handout is designed to accompany you on the journey to connecting deeply with yourself and focusing on discovery so you can continue to expand into deep presence, connection with the world and more genuine play.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.