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How to Stop Saying Yes to Everything- Clear Agreements

How to stop saying yes when you want to say no

Discover the transformative power of integrity and the Whole Body Yes in this insightful article. Join the author on their personal journey of rediscovering their body’s needs and desires through Pilates. Explore how living a life of integrity can reduce burnout and bring about greater ease and fulfillment. Learn practical tips on making clear agreements and attuning to your Whole Body Yes for a life that aligns with your true essence and unlocks your full potential. Say goodbye to self-betrayal and embrace a path of conscious commitment to integrity.

Are you curious? Genuinely curious?

Are you curious

Explore the transformative power of curiosity and conscious leadership in this article. Discover how genuine curiosity can enhance your life, shift your mindset, and unlock your potential for growth. Learn the checklist for open, honest questions and embrace radical responsibility for personal change. Unleash the benefits of curiosity, from improved communication to supercharged problem-solving skills.

Ten Quick Ways to Regain Presence and Reduce Stress


Discover the power of presence and regain your aliveness with these 9 quick ways. From appreciating others and your surroundings to conscious meditation and state shifting, learn how to embrace the present moment and unleash your inner power. Start living life with agency, creativity, and freedom.

Is it Time to Quit and Start Over?

quit or start over

Break free from stagnation and discover the transformative power of starting over. Embrace change, remove obstacles, and rebuild with clarity and integrity. By shifting your mindset and taking full responsibility for your life, you open the door to personal and professional growth. Overcome fear of the unknown and create a solid foundation for a fulfilling life. Say goodbye to unfulfilling patterns, burnout, and limitations. It’s time to unlock your true potential and embrace a life of ease and authenticity.

My Great Change Hangover

Hooray! I am writing to you from my new office, in our new house, which is right in my beloved hometown.

This crazy year of moving constantly is done!

And wow, the clarity this settling down has given me. One of the results is a gloriously re-defined season of my podcast Allowed, which is about to go live! YES!!

The Importance of Having Gratitude for Challenges

blog gratitude in challenge

Recognize the signs of burnout and learn how to break free from its grip. Find out how exhaustion, cynicism, and depersonalization can affect your well-being, and explore micro-adjustments that can help you recover and regain control. It’s never too late to make a change and start prioritizing your needs. Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life today.

What it took for people to take me seriously


Explore the impact of the beauty-brains paradox and societal pressures on women’s self-worth and confidence. Discover how conscious leadership and mindset shifts can break free from limiting stories around beauty and aging, empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves and challenge societal norms.

Conscious Leadership During Rocket Growth

relativity launch

Conscious leadership is vital in the realm of rocket growth, where interplanetary ventures and new societies in the universe are becoming a reality. Tim Ellis, CEO and Co-founder of Relativity Space, embodies conscious leadership through his dedication. Whether leading a small business or a billion-dollar enterprise, conscious leadership principles drive success and growth. Startups require leaders who are willing to go above and beyond, such as Tim Ellis, who spent sleepless nights in the office to demonstrate his commitment. Coaching plays a crucial role in developing conscious leaders by providing tools and frameworks to improve communication, navigate co-founder relationships, and overcome challenges like Imposter Syndrome and Upper Limiting. Through coaching, leaders gain self-awareness and empower themselves to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

How to Foster Teamwork Within Your Family

high performance family

Discover how to foster teamwork within your family by establishing clear values and shared commitments. Learn simple exercises to align your family members and establish a common purpose. Create a precedent for what your family stands for and use it as a reference point for decision-making. Encourage open dialogue and respect individual perspectives to shape your family values. Embrace the power of teamwork and craft a unique family dynamic that serves you best. No judgment, guilt, or shame—create the life you desire.

How to Handle Gossip in the Workplace


Learn how to effectively handle gossip in the workplace and create a positive work environment. Discover the different forms gossip can take and understand how you may unknowingly participate in it. This article provides practical steps to stop gossiping, including self-reflection, questioning internal stories, and having direct, unarguable conversations. By breaking the cycle of gossip, you can foster trust, clarity, and personal growth within your team and organization. Say goodbye to drama and embrace a more productive and supportive workplace culture.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.