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Cue the sirens…You ARE an imposter 

Most advice denies imposter syndrome, but that nagging feeling won't ease up. Let's lean into it. Accept the harsh truth, feel the spotlight's heat, and let it be an advantage. Embrace curiosity, shed anxiety, and become a learner. Motivate yourself, shift your mindset, and squash the imposter within. Imposter syndrome, when embraced, becomes a catalyst for growth.
Dismantling the beauty standards you hold yourself to is a challenging but empowering journey. From ancient times to the modern era, societal pressures and media influence have shaped our perceptions of beauty. However, by questioning these stories and choosing to focus on what is objectively true, you can regain control over your thoughts and liberate yourself from harmful narratives. It's time to challenge the stories, recognize your power, and embrace a healthier relationship with beauty and self-acceptance.
Are you settling for less by asking for what you think you can get instead of what you truly want? Embrace the strategies used by auctioneers to unlock the hidden 'yes' you never thought you could ask for. Break free from leaving options on the table and start aiming higher. Learn how high leverage points can transform your outcomes, why aiming for a "no" can lead to greater success, and how to find the courage to make audacious asks.
In a realm where actions carry greater weight than mere words, the Challenger's role becomes a catalyst for growth and empowerment. By skillfully challenging others, free from blame or judgment, we encourage them to embrace their untapped potential, assume accountability, and forge their desired outcomes. Through conscious challenges, we ignite a transformative journey that leads to self-discovery, personal responsibility, and the creation of meaningful results.
Discover the power of coaching instead of fixing in leadership. Learn how embracing a coaching mindset empowers individuals to take responsibility, solve problems, and create lasting change. Explore the benefits of allowing others to go through their own process and the value of discomfort in the journey of growth. Gain insights on how to shift from a victim mentality to a creator mindset and become a conscious leader who fosters sustainable results.
In a world where opportunities abound, there's often one significant obstacle holding us back: ourselves. But what if we realized that we have the power to create anything we desire? By shifting from a victim mindset to that of a conscious creator, we can tap into our true potential. Welcome to the Empowerment Triangle, where the roles of Victim, Villain, and Hero are replaced with Creator, Coach, and Challenger. In this article, we explore the transformative power of embracing the Creator role and taking responsibility for our lives. Discover the key skills of a Creator, from passionate commitment to conscious focus and decisive action. It's time to break free from limitations and design a life that aligns with your vision and aspirations.

Coaching in the Workplace: Benefits and Examples

Explore the benefits, key elements, and examples of workplace coaching. Uncover how coaching enhances performance, fosters a positive work culture, and develops future leaders, creating an environment primed for growth and success. Overcome challenges in implementing coaching and witness its profound impact on individual and organizational evolution towards sustained excellence.

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How to make meetings less awkward with your remote team

Learn how to navigate the quirks of virtual team meetings with practical strategies and conscious leadership principles. This comprehensive guide covers handling interruptions, technical glitches, multitasking, and awkward farewells with grace and humor. Embrace a new approach to virtual interactions, turning uncomfortable moments into opportunities for growth, connection, and positive change within your remote team.

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What is the difference between leadership and authority?

Learn actionable steps to transition from solely wielding authority to embodying effective leadership, fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and innovation. Explore the crucial balance between authority and leadership, leveraging both for organizational success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

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Enneagram Typing

Which careers are the best for your Enneagram type?

Unlock the ideal career paths tailored to your Enneagram type! Explore how your personality traits align with specific professions in our comprehensive guide. Learn how Type 1s’ commitment to ethics suits roles in law and compliance, or how Type 7s’ enthusiasm thrives in creative industries. Discover your unique strengths and find fulfilling careers through understanding your Enneagram type.

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Human-centered design: The process and examples

Explore the transformative power of Human-Centered Design (HCD) through insightful examples and a comprehensive overview of its iterative process. Discover how prioritizing empathy and understanding user needs revolutionizes innovation across industries. Dive into real-world cases from Apple to healthcare and envision a future where empathetic design thinking shapes products and services that deeply resonate with and enhance the lives of users worldwide

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Coaching in the Workplace: Benefits and Examples

Explore the benefits, key elements, and examples of workplace coaching. Uncover how coaching enhances performance, fosters a positive work culture, and develops future leaders, creating an environment primed for growth and success. Overcome challenges in implementing coaching and witness its profound impact on individual and organizational evolution towards sustained excellence.

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How to make meetings less awkward with your remote team

Learn how to navigate the quirks of virtual team meetings with practical strategies and conscious leadership principles. This comprehensive guide covers handling interruptions, technical glitches, multitasking, and awkward farewells with grace and humor. Embrace a new approach to virtual interactions, turning uncomfortable moments into opportunities for growth, connection, and positive change within your remote team.

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What is the difference between leadership and authority?

Learn actionable steps to transition from solely wielding authority to embodying effective leadership, fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and innovation. Explore the crucial balance between authority and leadership, leveraging both for organizational success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

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Enneagram Typing

Which careers are the best for your Enneagram type?

Unlock the ideal career paths tailored to your Enneagram type! Explore how your personality traits align with specific professions in our comprehensive guide. Learn how Type 1s’ commitment to ethics suits roles in law and compliance, or how Type 7s’ enthusiasm thrives in creative industries. Discover your unique strengths and find fulfilling careers through understanding your Enneagram type.

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Human-centered design: The process and examples

Explore the transformative power of Human-Centered Design (HCD) through insightful examples and a comprehensive overview of its iterative process. Discover how prioritizing empathy and understanding user needs revolutionizes innovation across industries. Dive into real-world cases from Apple to healthcare and envision a future where empathetic design thinking shapes products and services that deeply resonate with and enhance the lives of users worldwide

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Photography by Kelley Raye //

Dr. Caneel Joyce is a CEO Coach and social scientist who helps people break out of the invisible traps and make whole-life changes easily and naturally.

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A podcast with Dr. Caneel Joyce

Grounded in my expertise as a leader and CEO coach, I challenge you to shift your mindset and reveal patterns getting in your way.

Learn to live fully engaged, push boundaries, and be seen and heard as the leader you are in this coaching experience.

Episodes offer practical coaching lessons, tools, and insightful conversations to empower you to live and lead consciously in the way only you can.

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Allowed is a podcast that partners with your own creative genius & brings out the artist within you
Your Zone of Genius

Discover who you are and succeed in any situation
(as your actual self).

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CEO-level coaching for the start-up leader who needs to grow fast.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.