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Leadership During Periods of Chaos and Change

Leadership during periods of chaos and change requires self-regulation and a focus on connection. Leaders must keep themselves centered and grounded to access their full intelligence and problem-solving abilities. By creating a space for people to be heard and seen, leaders can foster a sense of connection and support, even in the face of physical distance. The power of being witnessed should not be underestimated—it can be a transformative experience in times of uncertainty.
Discover the power of coaching instead of fixing in leadership. Learn how embracing a coaching mindset empowers individuals to take responsibility, solve problems, and create lasting change. Explore the benefits of allowing others to go through their own process and the value of discomfort in the journey of growth. Gain insights on how to shift from a victim mentality to a creator mindset and become a conscious leader who fosters sustainable results.
In a world where authentic connection seems increasingly rare, it's time to rediscover the power of building strong relationships. This article offers practical guidance on instant connection, effective communication, and fostering fulfilling personal and professional lives. Dive in to unlock the secrets of genuine relating and watch your connections thrive.
Discover the profound lessons horses teach about leadership. Explore the four layers of awareness and harness natural leadership insights.v
Unlock the collective potential of your team with group coaching in the workplace. Enhance communication, foster teamwork, and develop leadership skills. Discover the benefits of group coaching for increased engagement, innovation, and problem-solving abilities. Invest in your employees' growth and drive organizational success.
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Why to Handwrite in a Tech World 

Rediscover the timeless art of handwriting and its profound impact on self-expression, mindfulness, and cognitive development. Explore the benefits of slowing down, boosting creativity, and enhancing brain function through the practice of writing by hand. Reconnect with the joy of pen and paper, and embrace the unique voice your handwriting carries.

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Conscious Leadership and Innovation in Start-Ups: How to Foster Creativity and Drive Positive Change

Drive sustainable growth in the dynamic world of start-ups with conscious leadership and innovation. Dive into the heart of conscious leadership, where self-awareness and purpose collide, and explore the keys to fostering a culture of innovation. Learn 10 actionable strategies to nurture creativity, encourage experimentation, and create an environment that sparks breakthrough ideas.

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Avoiding Death By Meetings

Reclaim your calendar and productivity by trimming the fat, challenging meeting myths, and renegotiating to make meetings work for you. Say goodbye to endless back-to-back meetings and hello to a more energized, creative you.

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Why to Handwrite in a Tech World 

Rediscover the timeless art of handwriting and its profound impact on self-expression, mindfulness, and cognitive development. Explore the benefits of slowing down, boosting creativity, and enhancing brain function through the practice of writing by hand. Reconnect with the joy of pen and paper, and embrace the unique voice your handwriting carries.

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Conscious Leadership and Innovation in Start-Ups: How to Foster Creativity and Drive Positive Change

Drive sustainable growth in the dynamic world of start-ups with conscious leadership and innovation. Dive into the heart of conscious leadership, where self-awareness and purpose collide, and explore the keys to fostering a culture of innovation. Learn 10 actionable strategies to nurture creativity, encourage experimentation, and create an environment that sparks breakthrough ideas.

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Avoiding Death By Meetings

Reclaim your calendar and productivity by trimming the fat, challenging meeting myths, and renegotiating to make meetings work for you. Say goodbye to endless back-to-back meetings and hello to a more energized, creative you.

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Photography by Kelley Raye //

Dr. Caneel Joyce is a CEO Coach and social scientist who helps people break out of the invisible traps and make whole-life changes easily and naturally.

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A podcast with Dr. Caneel Joyce

Grounded in my expertise as a leader and CEO coach, I challenge you to shift your mindset and reveal patterns getting in your way.

Learn to live fully engaged, push boundaries, and be seen and heard as the leader you are in this coaching experience.

Episodes offer practical coaching lessons, tools, and insightful conversations to empower you to live and lead consciously in the way only you can.

Allowed Podcast
Allowed is a podcast that partners with your own creative genius & brings out the artist within you
Your Zone of Genius

Discover who you are and succeed in any situation
(as your actual self).

Work With Caneel

CEO-level coaching for the start-up leader who needs to grow fast.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.