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Debunking the six most common executive coaching myths

Uncover the truth about leadership coaching and dispel common myths. Learn why coaching isn’t just for the struggling, the 1-on-1 format isn’t always superior, and how it differs from therapy. Explore the transformative power of coaching and how it can unleash your potential.

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Say hello to the superhero cape that saves your team (and family) from chaos! Learn how clear agreements can prevent miscommunication and conflicts, boost efficiency, and enhance trust in both personal and professional life.
Reclaim your calendar and productivity by trimming the fat, challenging meeting myths, and renegotiating to make meetings work for you. Say goodbye to endless back-to-back meetings and hello to a more energized, creative you.
The importance of ceremonies in acknowledging both endings and new beginnings cannot be overstated. Explore the significance of ceremonies, from personal milestones to corporate transformations, and the profound role of community in change.
A dive into the power of Enneagram Type 4 coaching for nurturing authentic leadership and unleashing creativity in visionary leaders.
Unlock the transformative potential of detaching from your identity and embracing the Enneagram, a profound personality typing system. By delving into the nine archetypal points of the Enneagram, you can gain deep insights into your dominant personality type, its motivations, fears, and the way it shapes your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Explore how each Enneagram type tends to burn out and learn valuable insights to prevent burnout. Understand the tendencies of your Enneagram type and take proactive steps like setting boundaries, practicing self-care, seeking support, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Unlock the power of the Enneagram to cultivate self-awareness, healthier relationships, and overall well-being as you navigate life's journey alongside every type.
Recognize the signs of burnout and learn how to break free from its grip. Find out how exhaustion, cynicism, and depersonalization can affect your well-being, and explore micro-adjustments that can help you recover and regain control. It's never too late to make a change and start prioritizing your needs. Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life today.
Ready to take brainstorming to the next level? Turn boring sessions into idea-packed powerhouses with these 10 tips. With some simple steps you can get creativity and innovation flowing!
Imagine being stuck in bumper-to-bumper holiday traffic, dreading an event you don't even want to attend. Frustration mounts as precious time ticks away and a sluggish SUV cuts you off. The road rage boils over, and you're left grappling with guilt. We all have those moments, but they offer an opportunity to discover our shadow selves and grow. Embrace your shadow, integrate its lessons, and become a more balanced, whole individual.
Are you excelling in your field but still feel a void? It might be time to shift from the Zone of Excellence, where external rewards reign, to your Zone of Genius. By tapping into your innate gifts and finding fulfillment, success can come effortlessly. Focus on internal rewards and watch the magic unfold.
Most advice denies imposter syndrome, but that nagging feeling won't ease up. Let's lean into it. Accept the harsh truth, feel the spotlight's heat, and let it be an advantage. Embrace curiosity, shed anxiety, and become a learner. Motivate yourself, shift your mindset, and squash the imposter within. Imposter syndrome, when embraced, becomes a catalyst for growth.
When you “should” on ourself, invalidate your feelings, and try to “meditate” away your discomfort you deny yourself the opportunity for authentic spiritual growth.
Drop the notion that you need a coach. Even top CEOs go without. Trust your gut—if coaching doesn't feel right, don't do it. But if you're curious and ready for change, coaching can offer an incredible opportunity for growth. Ask yourself if you desire change, face challenges, or seek support. The choice is yours.
What's on your rockstar restoration rider? Are you ready to indulge in a life of private jets, screaming fans, and bottomless M&Ms? You don't have to be a musician to experience the rockstar lifestyle. Just like rockstars, you need an incubation phase, a chrysalis period, to create and release your own masterpiece. Rest, in all its unique forms, is the key to unlocking your Zone of Genius. Take a walk, read a book, dance all night—it's time to restore yourself like a total badass. Invest in your restoration and watch your rockstar energy soar.
Witness the profound impact of connecting with animals in leadership development. Discover how a single horse reshaped a leader's trajectory by emphasizing the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of the herd. Uncover practical strategies to build trust, prioritize self-care, and foster conscious leadership for a thriving workplace.
s1e40 copy of 20171210 cj1702 michellemishina 142

Debunking the six most common executive coaching myths

Uncover the truth about leadership coaching and dispel common myths. Learn why coaching isn’t just for the struggling, the 1-on-1 format isn’t always superior, and how it differs from therapy. Explore the transformative power of coaching and how it can unleash your potential.

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Photography by Kelley Raye //

Dr. Caneel Joyce is a CEO Coach and social scientist who helps people break out of the invisible traps and make whole-life changes easily and naturally.

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