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morning routine

Let’s cut the BS about morning routines

In a world full of flashy morning routine advice promising productivity and success, it’s time to cut through the noise. Don’t force yourself into someone else’s routine. Find what works for you. Experiment, play, and discover what truly supports your growth. Forget about productivity alone. Focus on cultivating a mindset that energizes and inspires you, creating your most authentic self.

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Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Free from the Chains of Inhibition

Discover the transformative power of embracing your true self in this thought-provoking article. Explore the burden of societal inhibition, learn from personal revelations, and uncover the path to rediscovering your authentic essence. Break free from stories of judgment and shame, and embrace a life where you can shine without reservation. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and find the courage to live in your fullest, most vibrant self.

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body standards

Dismantling the Beauty Standards You Hold Yourself To

Dismantling the beauty standards you hold yourself to is a challenging but empowering journey. From ancient times to the modern era, societal pressures and media influence have shaped our perceptions of beauty. However, by questioning these stories and choosing to focus on what is objectively true, you can regain control over your thoughts and liberate yourself from harmful narratives. It’s time to challenge the stories, recognize your power, and embrace a healthier relationship with beauty and self-acceptance.

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out of office

Out of Office – My new normal

The vibration of the jackhammer rattled my office windows, but I chose to step out. As I walked, the chaos faded away, and I felt a sense of presence. Coaching my client while counting miles, I realized I had confined myself to an office. I made a different choice. Now, I coach remotely while enjoying the outdoors.

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comfort blog

The REAL Problem with Getting Too Comfortable

The overwhelming success of cozy brands like La-Z-Boy and UGGs is a testament to our love for comfort. But as creatures of habit, we often shy away from change, even if it hinders our progress. Fear of the unknown keeps us trapped in unfulfilling jobs or prevents us from pursuing our dreams. It’s time to confront our comfort zones and embrace the discomfort that comes with growth and change.

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360-degree feedback tools have the power to boost self-awareness and drive personal growth. Just like checking blind spots while driving, examining different perspectives in leadership is crucial to avoid accidents. Leaders often have blind spots, unaware of how they are perceived by others. This lack of awareness can hinder growth and limit opportunities for behavioral and mindset shifts. The 360-degree review is a valuable tool for receiving feedback from multiple angles, including superiors, peers, subordinates, and external stakeholders. Unlike performance reviews, 360-degree reviews focus on personal and professional development, uncovering blind spots and identifying strengths. Through a well-crafted process, leaders can learn, grow, and create coaching plans based on the feedback received. It's up to leaders to absorb the feedback, choose what to focus on, and take action to accelerate their growth.
Unleash the power of coaching and unlock your potential for personal growth and transformation. Explore frequently asked questions about coaching, including its benefits, the distinction from therapy, and how it empowers you to conquer your goals. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and success today.
Unleash the power of empowerment and reciprocity. Shift to an intentional culture, fueling growth and high performance. Empower leaders, build great teams, and achieve development goals. Transform HR's role through empathy and understanding. Fuel organizational growth with invested resources in employee development.
Explore how re-humanizing individuals within an organization leads to greater productivity and fulfillment. Dive into the role best self management and uncover the transformative power of seeing others at their best. Step into a future where companies prioritize human potential and create a culture of authenticity and excellence.
Shift from reactive behavior to consciousness. Learn how to identify reactive patterns, understand drift moves, and make conscious choices. Explore the power of self-awareness, body shifts, and shifting consciousness to regain presence and become a conscious leader in your life. Empower yourself with practical tools to cultivate self-awareness and create transformative growth.
Surviving the rollercoaster ride of startups requires a shift in mindset. Instead of striving for control, embrace striding and let things come naturally. Give yourself grace and kindness amidst the chaos. Feel your emotions fully and learn from them. Remember, there's no winning or losing in startups; the goal is to stay in the game, learn, and adapt. It's an infinite game of lessons and growth.
Change begins with one willing leader, whether they are hungry for growth or desperate for transformation. In the realm of the desperate, the catalyst for change is the person most willing to change themselves, driven by exhaustion and a desire for something better. But change doesn't solely depend on others; it starts with self-recognition and personal responsibility. By committing to conscious leadership and practicing it diligently, you can create transformative change in both your professional and personal life. Conscious leadership is about self-awareness, extending its positive impact beyond the workplace, ultimately transforming your entire world.
In a world where layoff parties and vibrant goodbyes are replaced by Zoom calls, it's crucial for leaders to be conscious and integrated. Prioritizing inquiry over advocacy, leaders must use themselves as instruments to truly support others. It starts with you.
Do you consider yourself lucky? Lucky Nicky, my friend, always found the perfect parking spot wherever we went. I couldn't believe it until I discovered that you can actually learn to be lucky. Gay Hendricks, a renowned psychologist, explains how conscious commitment and luck-worthy goals can transform your life. Choose to be lucky and embrace the magic of a shifted mindset.
Leading in challenging times is a weighty responsibility. Jess Kolko, a senior leader at Whole Foods, found her leadership tested during the pandemic. Challenging perfectionism, embracing vulnerability, and aiming for progress rather than perfection are key. Leaders who acknowledge mistakes create trust and an atmosphere of acceptance. Valuing progress over perfection fosters growth, innovation, and authenticity.
In a realm where actions carry greater weight than mere words, the Challenger's role becomes a catalyst for growth and empowerment. By skillfully challenging others, free from blame or judgment, we encourage them to embrace their untapped potential, assume accountability, and forge their desired outcomes. Through conscious challenges, we ignite a transformative journey that leads to self-discovery, personal responsibility, and the creation of meaningful results.
2020 shattered our expectations, forcing us to confront chaos. Initially resisting, I craved control. But surrendering to uncertainty, I found joy in unexpected moments. Embracing the unknown, we created a new normal. Alchemy lies in transforming chaos into something better. Leaders must face reality, hold diverse perspectives, and shape the future. Inquire, be present, and focus on the next step. By cultivating curiosity and gratitude, we can alchemize chaos into beauty.
Leadership during periods of chaos and change requires self-regulation and a focus on connection. Leaders must keep themselves centered and grounded to access their full intelligence and problem-solving abilities. By creating a space for people to be heard and seen, leaders can foster a sense of connection and support, even in the face of physical distance. The power of being witnessed should not be underestimated—it can be a transformative experience in times of uncertainty.
Discover the power of coaching instead of fixing in leadership. Learn how embracing a coaching mindset empowers individuals to take responsibility, solve problems, and create lasting change. Explore the benefits of allowing others to go through their own process and the value of discomfort in the journey of growth. Gain insights on how to shift from a victim mentality to a creator mindset and become a conscious leader who fosters sustainable results.
In a world where opportunities abound, there's often one significant obstacle holding us back: ourselves. But what if we realized that we have the power to create anything we desire? By shifting from a victim mindset to that of a conscious creator, we can tap into our true potential. Welcome to the Empowerment Triangle, where the roles of Victim, Villain, and Hero are replaced with Creator, Coach, and Challenger. In this article, we explore the transformative power of embracing the Creator role and taking responsibility for our lives. Discover the key skills of a Creator, from passionate commitment to conscious focus and decisive action. It's time to break free from limitations and design a life that aligns with your vision and aspirations.
morning routine

Let’s cut the BS about morning routines

In a world full of flashy morning routine advice promising productivity and success, it’s time to cut through the noise. Don’t force yourself into someone else’s routine. Find what works for you. Experiment, play, and discover what truly supports your growth. Forget about productivity alone. Focus on cultivating a mindset that energizes and inspires you, creating your most authentic self.

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Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Free from the Chains of Inhibition

Discover the transformative power of embracing your true self in this thought-provoking article. Explore the burden of societal inhibition, learn from personal revelations, and uncover the path to rediscovering your authentic essence. Break free from stories of judgment and shame, and embrace a life where you can shine without reservation. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and find the courage to live in your fullest, most vibrant self.

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body standards

Dismantling the Beauty Standards You Hold Yourself To

Dismantling the beauty standards you hold yourself to is a challenging but empowering journey. From ancient times to the modern era, societal pressures and media influence have shaped our perceptions of beauty. However, by questioning these stories and choosing to focus on what is objectively true, you can regain control over your thoughts and liberate yourself from harmful narratives. It’s time to challenge the stories, recognize your power, and embrace a healthier relationship with beauty and self-acceptance.

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out of office

Out of Office – My new normal

The vibration of the jackhammer rattled my office windows, but I chose to step out. As I walked, the chaos faded away, and I felt a sense of presence. Coaching my client while counting miles, I realized I had confined myself to an office. I made a different choice. Now, I coach remotely while enjoying the outdoors.

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comfort blog

The REAL Problem with Getting Too Comfortable

The overwhelming success of cozy brands like La-Z-Boy and UGGs is a testament to our love for comfort. But as creatures of habit, we often shy away from change, even if it hinders our progress. Fear of the unknown keeps us trapped in unfulfilling jobs or prevents us from pursuing our dreams. It’s time to confront our comfort zones and embrace the discomfort that comes with growth and change.

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Photography by Kelley Raye //

Dr. Caneel Joyce is a CEO Coach and social scientist who helps people break out of the invisible traps and make whole-life changes easily and naturally.

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A podcast with Dr. Caneel Joyce

Grounded in my expertise as a leader and CEO coach, I challenge you to shift your mindset and reveal patterns getting in your way.

Learn to live fully engaged, push boundaries, and be seen and heard as the leader you are in this coaching experience.

Episodes offer practical coaching lessons, tools, and insightful conversations to empower you to live and lead consciously in the way only you can.

Allowed Podcast
Allowed is a podcast that partners with your own creative genius & brings out the artist within you
Your Zone of Genius

Discover who you are and succeed in any situation
(as your actual self).

Work With Caneel

CEO-level coaching for the start-up leader who needs to grow fast.

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.