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Latest episodes from Management

20 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 62
ARCI is a tool that I teach to my executive teams when I'm doing executive team development and offsite training. It's a framework. It's a way of understanding the ‘who’ behind ‘who will do what by when’, which is the keystone of high integrity clear agreements. ARCI stands for Accountable, Responsible, Consulted, and Informed. ARCI is a framework for understanding the structure of an agreement and how we're going to cooperate and coordinate action together in a social unit, as a team.

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Meet Caneel


Dr. Caneel Joyce is a founder, CEO and Executive Coach, mom, wife, podcaster, Ph.D. from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, former professor at Stanford University and the London School of Economics and Silicon Valley startup veteran who’s dedicated to helping you succeed as your most authentic and powerful self.

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