Whether you are supported by a rich community that nurtures the best parts of you and helps you to grow and succeed, or if you are feeling isolated, sometimes lonely, like you’re wandering through a relational desert, this episode is going to rock your world.
All of us have fundamental needs; the need for food, water, and air. But we also have some specific social needs. We need to belong. We need to work in teams to survive and we need to feel recognized, respected, and understood. We need to relate to each other authentically. But how?
In this special episode of Allowed, you’re going to gain some tools to enrich your life and your relationships from Executive Coach, Simon D’Arcy.
Enjoy insights about authentic relating and learn some tools for applying this powerful framework in your business and your personal life.
In a world where authentic connection seems increasingly rare, it’s time to rediscover the power of building strong relationships.
This article offers practical guidance on instant connection, effective communication, and fostering fulfilling personal and professional lives.
Dive in to unlock the secrets of genuine relating and watch your connections thrive.
Peek into the personal life of one of Dr. Caneel Joyce’s gurus, Diana Chapman, and learn how to bring leadership home. Diana Chapman is a best-selling author of the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, and cofounder of the Conscious Leadership Group. She was named one of the top 5 CEO coaches in Silicon Valley.
Discover how to be a conscious leader at work AND at home and how applying these frameworks can improve all aspects of your life.
Simon D’Arcy is an executive coach, consultant and leadership mentor with over 20 years of experience assisting leaders and companies on six continents. His work focuses on helping leaders become highly effective culture builders for their teams and companies. Recent clients include Tile, 8i, Slack, Dropbox, Yahoo!, and Genentech.
Simon is the founder and curator of Culture Builder – a resource for leaders curious about the latest inspiration and insight on culture building. He is also the author of the forthcoming Culture Builders Manifesto.
He began his consulting and coaching career in 1995 at Malandro Communications, where he worked with leadership teams inside Fortune 1000 companies to change their culture from a command and control environment to a high-performance culture based on partnership, trust and 100% accountability. Clients included Rohm & Haas, Zurich NA, Sun Microsystems, Farm Credit Canada, and IRI.
As a Culture-Building Consultant, Simon helps business leaders design and create more conscious and high-performing cultures that enable greater purpose and better results. As an Executive Coach, he helps leaders reveal their blind spots, discover their genius and lead from their biggest, brightest self. As a Social Artist, he designs and facilitates group experiences for leadership teams, companies and communities that invite deeper authenticity and connection.
Simon is a voracious learner, with a B.A. in economics from U.C.S.B, and extensive training and multiple certifications in the field group dynamics and human systems including in mediation, N.L.P and relational leadership. He lives in Santa Barbara, CA with his wife Tamra Rutherford, where his passion for culture-building inspired him to co-found an intentional community almost 20 years ago that is still thriving, and a model for similar communities across the country.