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Latest episodes from Conscious Leadership

42 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 19
Discover a set of skills to help you when find yourself with an intense urge to fix problems for others or control outcomes. Whether you're working with your children, collaborating with your partner, someone at work or are a manager of people you may find yourself fixing problems. In this episode, I'm going to give you an alternative to produce amazing results. Learn how to stop rescuing and start coaching. Throughout this episode learn why coaches welcome challenges and how to create the changes and success you want. Move into the role of a conscious creator.
30 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 18
Discover your creative power, your ability to influence and even control things that you did not know that you could control. When you move into empowerment and away from victimhood and other forms of Drama, you have the opportunity to create the life you want to live and make your other dreams a reality.
36 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 14
Do you like to solve any problem as soon as they come up? Do you find yourself often swooping in to save other people from bad things that might happen or to teach them stuff they really, REALLY need to know so that more bad things don’t happen? You might be a hero if you seek to help, solve, or fix in order to relieve discomfort or suffering from yourself or others. Throughout this episode, discover what the drama triangle hero archetype is and how heroing is a form of perpetuating drama and powerlessness in your own life and the lives around you. Wake up to the costs of your own heroing and learn how you're allowed to help others without continuing a cycle of suffering.
50 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 13
Dive into the Villain mindset on the drama triangle. As part of the drama triangle series, this episode will teach you about the powerful Villain aspect. The Villain guilts, shames, judges, and blames. Learning this framework will make you more self-aware about limiting mindsets that lead to drama and dysfunction. By the end of the episode, you will gain more skills to move away from drama and towards empowerment. Question the stories that hold you back and free yourself from negative cycles.
37 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 12
Discover how you might be unintentionally making yourself a magnet for negativity and drama. You will learn how to avoid creating negative circumstances in your life, and how to reverse the pattern if it starts happening. Get your life to start operating FOR YOU instead of against you. Throughout this coaching session, gain the skills to recognize if you’re in a victim mindset and learn what steps you can take to change your mindset so that you can move out of drama and into empowerment.
56 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 7
Get started on the path of living Above the Line and going from victimhood to a place of power. You’ve learned how to recognize drama and identify if you or others are Below the Line. Now find empowerment by shifting Above the Line into the Empowerment Triangle. Discover the three distinct forms of power that are available to you Above the Line when you are being a Conscious Leader. The 3 aspects of the Empowerment Triangle are the Coach, the Challenger, and the Creator, and up there in that state of flow, anything is possible. Throughout this episode learn how to shift out of drama and into power. Power is a place where you can resolve issues permanently, where you can learn, where you are free to create the life that you want. Empowerment means you are responsible without blame or judgment, and a visionary Creator dedicated to creating the life you want.
44 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 6
Learn how to limit your time spent in drama by recognizing drama in its three main forms, the cost of drama, and how to recognize the warning signs of drama. This episode explains what the Drama Triangle model is and its different aspects.

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Meet Caneel


Dr. Caneel Joyce is a founder, CEO and Executive Coach, mom, wife, podcaster, Ph.D. from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, former professor at Stanford University and the London School of Economics and Silicon Valley startup veteran who’s dedicated to helping you succeed as your most authentic and powerful self.

Meet The Guests

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.