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Allowed: Conscious Leadership & Personal Growth

Explore the juicy and incredible tools of conscious leadership through this series of coaching sessions dedicated to revealing and unleashing all of your power.

Grounded in her expertise as a CEO coach, Dr. Caneel Joyce challenges you to shift your mindset to reveal and overcome the patterns getting in your way.

Learn to live fully engaged, push boundaries, and be seen and heard as the leader you are.

Episodes offer practical coaching lessons, tools, and insightful conversations to empower you to live and lead intentionally.

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"Changing and growing has to come from an internal place. Dr. Caneel Joyce does a great job bringing this lesson to life in helpful, practical ways."
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"Dr. Joyce is incredible in her authenticity and insight. "
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"Thought provoking and inspiring"
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"The Private Coaching Session You’ve Always Wanted!"
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"Everyone can use a weekly dose of Dr. Caneel Joyce... whether transitioning, tackling big goals or simply enjoying life without self-limiting beliefs! She will to help us remember to empower and advocate for ourselves!"
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"Caneel will expand your thought horizons!"
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"Caneel will help bring out the best in you. It’s a must listen if you have any interest in becoming a better manager, employee, parent, friend, spouse etc."
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"Caneel is so thought-provoking and clear."
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"Brilliant discourses. Her mix of humor, challenge and heart makes her incredibly accessible. More, please!"
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"Dr. Caneel Joyce is insightful, inspirational and most importantly walks her talk! Learning from those who have lived what they teach allows for deeper transformation and Caneel is so transparent and open one can’t help but strive to be their deepest, truest self. I look forward to more and more from Dr. Joyce!"
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"Caneel’s background and experience certainly make her a voice of authority in this field—and even better, this voice comes from a place of empathy and integrity."
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"Caneel is M A G I C !!! Listening to and engaging with Caneel will change your life in beautiful ways."
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"Learning about drama and how to spot it has opened a lot of doors for me."
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"If you are interested in growth and learning about yourself, this is a great show. Caneel has integrity , depth and great perspective."
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"Simple yet profound approach. I find myself re-listening to certain episodes and sharing with colleagues and friends."
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"As a leader for a non-profit I am always trying to grow myself to help others grow. What amazing insight to growth and culture. Thank you!"
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"The ease and agility with which she talks and navigates subjects makes these podcasts a treat."
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"Bold, refreshing, inspiring."
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"Caneel’s lighthearted tone and soothing voice are perfect for the topics she discusses. She offers tools I can use in my day to day pursuit of happiness and success. She is a skilled interviewer and asks thought provoking questions that can lead to real change."
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"Every episode is well-thought-out and packed with knowledge and tips. Highly recommend!"
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"Caneel really has a way with her boldness and leadership style. As a growth-centric podcast, its a must-listen!"
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"Now I’m going through my days figuring out what my shadows are and owning them. Thank you for your vulnerability and thank you for the helpful information!"
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"The work she does in the world is invaluable."

Latest episodes

83 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 10
Everyone experiences longer “macro” Hero’s Journeys in their lives, as well as many smaller “micro” Hero’s Journeys, whether it’s having a child, going to college, starting your own business, or switching jobs. No matter what the details are of your journey, all Hero’s Journeys follow the same formula. Understanding and mapping out exactly where you are currently in your Hero’s Journey will help you move through the struggle more quickly to reach the return home where you can share your gifts with the world.
32 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 9
Most great leaders understand it’s key to be balanced, calm, and focused to make an impact. However, many leaders struggle to identify enjoyable and engaging ways to rest and reset after periods of intense effort. Enter your Restorative Zone of Genius! Regularly recovering makes leadership sustainable and life-giving. In this episode, you will learn how to restore yourself in your genius in a way no one else can. Even the most conscious leaders who are mainly living in their Zone of Genius, doing their morning meditations and journaling practices every day still can find themselves burnt out, fried, or taking on workaholic tendencies. Self-care does not have to be boring. You’re allowed to get creative with how you restore yourself. In fact, it’s essential to you living the life of your dreams. You are allowed to rest - trust your natural rhythm.
48 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 8
In this episode, you receive practical tips for moving your life into one where you are living primarily in your Zone of Genius: that place where you find effortless flow and you create value by using the natural gifts you love to use. You are allowed to bring a ton of value into your life, your company, your community, and your family in a way that comes easily to you. You are allowed to love what you do.
56 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 7
Get started on the path of living Above the Line and going from victimhood to a place of power. You’ve learned how to recognize drama and identify if you or others are Below the Line. Now find empowerment by shifting Above the Line into the Empowerment Triangle. Discover the three distinct forms of power that are available to you Above the Line when you are being a Conscious Leader. The 3 aspects of the Empowerment Triangle are the Coach, the Challenger, and the Creator, and up there in that state of flow, anything is possible. Throughout this episode learn how to shift out of drama and into power. Power is a place where you can resolve issues permanently, where you can learn, where you are free to create the life that you want. Empowerment means you are responsible without blame or judgment, and a visionary Creator dedicated to creating the life you want.
44 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 6
Learn how to limit your time spent in drama by recognizing drama in its three main forms, the cost of drama, and how to recognize the warning signs of drama. This episode explains what the Drama Triangle model is and its different aspects.
60 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 5
Learn about the importance of group work in leadership development and how to find, create and facilitate groups and communities.
49 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 4
How can you succeed without suffering? Answer: by identifying your Zone of Genius. In this episode, we will get into some hands-on exercises, that have been proven time and again with my clients, to help people identify their Zone of Genius. You are allowed to kick ass so much more easily than you might know. You are allowed to reach your full potential, to be healthy, to be happy, and to add tremendous value to the world by having the impact that only you can have.
66 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 3
Learn how practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on your life. Gratitude has many proven benefits. In this episode, Heather Nienaber joins Caneel for a discussion on entitlement versus gratitude.
61 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 2
Do you find yourself dating the same type of person over and over? Do you find yourself in the same job time and again, even though you were at a different company, it's a different year? We keep recreating the same patterns that are holding us back. Today we are going to break those patterns and begin to move forward. We will better understand why we get triggered and how to begin a process of reclaiming a sense of wholeness. You are allowed to love all parts of yourself.
50 Minutes
Season 1, Episode 1
Personal growth is the journey of your life. Do you have an insatiable desire to learn? Are you interested in that process of finding out what part of yourself is going to shine next? How can you become a better leader of your own life? Today we're going to talk about the secrets that transform your life. You are allowed to recreate yourself and that is allowed to be easy.



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Meet Caneel


Dr. Caneel Joyce is a founder, CEO and Executive Coach, mom, wife, podcaster, Ph.D. from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, former professor at Stanford University and the London School of Economics and Silicon Valley startup veteran who’s dedicated to helping you succeed as your most authentic and powerful self.

Meet the guests

Discover experiences that give your life purpose in your Zone of Genius

Executive Coach Dr. Caneel Joyce reveals a life-changing framework that can help you overcome self-doubt, uncover your hidden talents, and radiate with confidence, one small step at a time.